Cinco MUD 8 Proclaims the EPA’s Fix a Leak Week

All CINCO MUD 8 Residents will receive door hangers with Texas Landscapes Water Savings Tips and Toilet Leak Detector Tablets. The District will also have a tabletop Display in the lobby of the Canyon Gate Recreation Center from March 15-21, 2021. Come by a pickup a WaterSense labeled product REBATE FORM or WISE GUYS information for a free irrigation evaluation. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) created “FIX a LEAK WEEK” as a national campaign to educate consumers about water-saving behaviors using WaterSense labeled products. The WaterSense label makes it easy to identify products that use less water and perform as well as or better than standard models.

Whether by replacing an inefficient fixture with a WaterSense labeled product or adopting water-efficient behaviors, we can all take action to save water for future generations.

Saving is as easy as check, twist, replace.

    • Check toilets for silent leaks: put a few drops of food coloring in the tank and wait 10 minutes to flush. If color appears in the bowl, the flapper may need replacing.
    • Twist on a WaterSense labeled bathroom faucet aerator, 1.5 gpm or lower to save water and energy at the tap without noticing a difference in flow.
    • Replace your showerhead with a WaterSense labeled model that uses less water and energy, but still lets you shower with power.

Join thousands of your neighbors during Fix a Leak Week. Make simple changes at home to save water and energy.

Outdoor Water Conservation Tips

Water between the hours of 9pm and 6am to avoid evaporation during daylight hours. The NFBWA’s Larry the Talking Sprinkler says you only need to water your lawn twice a week. Cinco MUD 8 recommends watering for 8 minutes for each zone and replace any broken sprinkler heads. See Cinco MUD 8’s site for rebate info.

See for rebates on WaterSense Labeled controllers or sprinkler heads.

CINCO MUD 8 Proclaims October 2021 as National Kitchen & Bath Month

Meet Your Better Bathroom—Style With Savings

Remodeling your bathroom? You can have your dream bathroom with the help of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s WaterSense® program. WaterSense labels thousands of products in a variety of price points, styles and finishes—from sleek to chic—to create your bathroom oasis. Not only do WaterSense labeled products look amazing, they are independently certified to use 20 percent less water and perform as well or better than standard models.

And since you won’t have as much water to heat while showering or shaving, WaterSense labeled plumbing fixtures will save your family energy, and money on utility bills, too. A full bathroom remodel can save 10,000 gallons of water, enough energy to power your refrigerator for 7 months, and up to $150 in utility bills every year!

Download the Water Conservation Rebate Form.

Not in the market for a full-blown bathroom remodel? Check out these videos for easy, inexpensive “bath hacks” you can do to improve your bathroom’s performance. Swap out your showerhead with a WaterSense labeled model, install a WaterSense labeled faucet aerator, or replace your leaky toilet flapper for big water savings.

Learn more about ways to save water in your bathroom by visiting the WaterSense website at